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Shameer Amir Ranked 3Rd In Ethical Hacking

You would be glad to know that a Pakistani ethical hacker is rated in the third most top ethical hackers.

A 21-year old from Multan born to be a hacker. He has reported 870 bugs just in its early age including Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, LinkedIn, Dropbox and many more.
Ethical hacking is to answerable for tracing of bugs or security holes in application and and websites. In essence of, Ethical hacker help to set security to the websites so that bad or unethical hackers do get room to exploit them.

Amir has successfully earned $150,000 by reporting bugs, problem in the computer application or system to the more than 3000 organizations all around the world. This is why HackerOne has placed him the number one hacker in Pakistan and overall he is on 11th position.
Few days ago Amir has proclaimed that he has been summoned to DEFCON that is the most leading global hacking event. Apart from that all his patriotism insisted him to working on ventures to better secure the Pakistani cyberspace form the both internal and external cyber assailants.
currently Amir is setteld in Lahore and handling his own internet security company named Cyphlon, with the team of six people.

Amir also has a message for the youth of Pakistan.
"Work to learn, Not to earn"

Syed Tanzeel Ashfaq

Syed Tanzeel Ashfaq is Software Engineer by profession and has over ten years of experience. He loves to express himself through blogging about Information Technology, Software development, Urdu literature, Islamic history and several other topics.