The credit for the beginnings of today’s paper goes to the Chinese Tsai Lin. Who developed it 105 BC, but the Chinese kept this secret from the rest of the world for centuries. With regard to the final date of origami, one can only speculate that it originated in China, but later it became popular all over the world, including Japan. Using origami techniques, the James Webb Space Telescope was folded, packed and sent into space because its size was so large that it could not fit into any of the largest rockets.
The whole system was so complex and there were 344 such places that if any one of these parts failed or did not work properly, the whole telescope would be out of order. The first stage of the telescope was the most complex and difficult, involving the expansion of a folded sunshield the size of a tennis court, consisting of five layers. In the last few days the work of successfully opening and disassembling the Sunshield was completed and now NASA has announced that the folded mirrors of this telescope have also been successfully opened and the telescope has come into full configuration.
The successful completion of this telescope at a distance of 1.1 million kilometers from the earth is an unparalleled feat of engineering. In the next few days, the focus of the telescope's mirrors will be adjusted, and by the end of this month, it will have covered another 376 km to reach its final orbit, the L1 point. Built at a cost of more than 10 billion, the masterpiece is half the size of a Boeing 737, compared to just the size of a Hubble telescope in space. The glass of the James Webb telescope is five times larger than the glass of the Hubble telescope.
Another major difference between the two telescopes is that the Hubble telescope is 570 km above the earth's orbit, with most of its detectors detecting ultraviolet and visible spectrum, while the James Webb telescope was designed to detect infrared and radio frequencies. The Hubble telescope has not been able to detect it, meaning that with its help we will be able to see scenes and galaxies that are more than thirteen billion light years away, and this telescope will be in orbit at L1 point, a total of 1.5 million kilometers away from Earth. Where its detectors can be kept up to minus 220 degrees Celsius, which is fifteen times lower than the temperature of the Hubble telescope.
We learned from the Hubble Telescope how planets, stars and galaxies come into being, but the main purpose of James Webb is to understand the formation of the universe itself, from which we will be able to know how the first few galaxies of the universe came into being. Only time will tell how successful the James Webb telescope will be compared to the Hubble telescope, but if it works properly, it will surely be a revolutionary step in the history of astronomy.