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Ocean Of Water In Space

If we say that there is more water in "space" than all the oceans on Earth, you will not believe it. The universe is so vast that anything is possible in it. The universe is so big and vast that even America's technology is unable and incapable of exploring it completely.

Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest "mass" of water found in the "universe". You read and heard correctly. NASA scientists believe that this water is 12 billion years old. This is actually a cloud far from our Earth. Which contains 140 trillion times more water than all the oceans on Earth, you can guess how much area this water would have covered.

This ocean is 12 billion light years away from us. NASA astronomers say that there is a huge black hole around this "ocean". NASA has named this black hole a "quasar". Since the environment of the black hole is fine, therefore, it is argued that water is produced by quasars. This has also been said by the famous NASA scientist Matt Bradford.

Astronomers say that this "black hole" is so powerful that it is twenty billion times more powerful than the "black hole" closest to our Earth. NASA scientist Matt Bradford has more to say. That is how much water is found in our "Milky Way" galaxy. Whether it is in the water form or in the ice form, this water is about four thousand times more than them. From this we can accurately estimate how much this water is in "volume".