PFC Donates 1 Million For DAM FundNabahat ShanzaOctober 01, 2018News01063 ViewsPakistan Furniture Council (PFC) Sunday donated a gift of PKR1 million for development of Diamer-Bhasha, Mohmand dams and communicated solidarity towards an honMore »
Renewal Of CPEC CommitmentNabahat ShanzaSeptember 29, 2018News01080 ViewsThe new government in Islamabad on Saturday guaranteed Beijing that the multi-billion dollars financial hall undertaking will remain a need for the nation. "More »
Qamar Muneer Sets World Record In O-LevelNabahat ShanzaSeptember 24, 2018News91795 ViewsA Pakistani child, Qamar Muneer Akbar, enrolled his name among the world record holders by acing in British Ordinary Level (O-levels) Chemistry exams. StrikingMore »